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Who the heck is Goemon?
Goemon is based off a folklorish theif from medival Japan, named Ishikawa Goemon. While there are many stories, all of them agree that he was a criminal. There is some debate, however, if he was a true villian or if he was a really a "Robin Hood" type figure. In any case, this is what the games were originally based on.

So, this blue-haired freak is a thief?
He was based off a thief. In his early games, Goemon looked alot like his counterpart from the legend (not to mention acting like him), but that changed around the time he hit the SNES. The SNES version of Ganbare Goemon 2 was the point at which the game Goemon began building his own idendity. This was not only the first game he gained his beautiful blue hair but also the first game featuring Sasuke, Impact, and Yae.
Goemon must not be popular if I never heard of him, right?
Wrong! Goemon is very popular... in Japan. Only 4 of the Goemon games made it to America (Legend of Mystical Ninja SNES, Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon N64 & GameBoy, and Goemon's Great Adventure N64). This is why most Americans know little or nothing of these games and characters. In Japan, it's just the opposite. Goemon is as well-known there as Mario or Sonic is here. Over 15 Goemon games were released total (Japan and the States), and more are being made at least once a year.
So, Where do the others come from?
According to one site, Ebisumaru can be linked to a real thief of medival Japan, and I can easily see Samson (from the Bible) in Goroku. Omitsu is obviously suppose to represent Goemon's wife. Other than that, I can't find any other connections. If you can, please tell me.